JOHNNIE WALKER Green Label 750ml
JOHNNIE WALKER Green Label 750ml
Johnnie Walker Blue Label is a premium Scotch whisky sold under the Johnnie Walker brand. This whisky is one of the most expensive and highly acclaimed in the Johnnie Walker product line and is beloved by many whisky aficionados.
Johnnie Walker Blue Label is an exquisite blend of single malt and grain whiskies. Blue Label is characterized by a very fine and sophisticated taste, with a complex and harmonious flavour profile. Signature flavours include vanilla, honey, toffee, dried fruit, smoke and spice, all with a long lingering finish.
Johnnie Walker Blue Label is considered a whiskey perfect for special occasions and collections, and its high quality and luxurious bottle design make it a popular part of the whiskey. It is recommended to enjoy it on special occasions rather than for drinking.
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Store name: Liquor purchase and sales specialty store Linksus Kannai
Address: 2F Daiwa Securities Yokohama Building, 2-20 Onoe-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0015
Phone number: 045-594- 6251
Business hours: 10:00-19:00
Closed: None
Store name: Liquor purchase and sales specialty store Linksus Shibuya store
Address: 1F Shibuya Daisan KK Building, 3-1-9 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
Telephone: 045-594-6251
WECHAT ID: linxas8090
LINE ID: @buy-linxas
Closed: None