Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2009 750ml
Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 2009 750ml
The Shatou-Pishan-Rongfiel-Contd-Ralrond 2009 is produced in a high-grade winery located in the region of Bordeaux, France. This wine is a bright vintage of 2009, produced in a distinctly fine year, known for the high quality of wines that were made that year across the entire Bordeaux region.
The details below pertain to the Shatou-Pishan-Rongfiel-Contd-Ralrond 2009:
Blend: This wine is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and mainly produced from classic varietals. The soil and climatic conditions of the growing area are conducive to the maturation of these types, producing high-quality fruits.
Tasting Notes: In 2009, the wine particularly reflects excellent fruit characteristics, presenting dense, rich flavors, full-bodied with a complex array of notes.
Aroma: The Shatou-Pishan-Rongfiel-Contd-Ralrond 2009 has delightfully varied aromatic traits, including vibrant berries, plum, spice, tobacco, and other nuances.
Fruity and Mature: This wine is powerful in flavor and encompasses a layered complexity.
The Shatou-Pishan-Rongfiel-Contd-Ralrond 2009 has received very high ratings even among the Bordeaux wines, particularly appealing to connoisseurs and enthusiasts as one singularly exceptional wine. It pairs exquisitely with high-end cuisine, making for an unforgettable experience.
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