Kanzō Estate Asatsuyu 2022 750ml
Kanzō Estate Asatsuyu 2022 750ml
The "Kenzo Esthetique 'Asahi'" is a product of the fine brand "Kenzo Esthetique." While there is limited information regarding its flavor profile, it is known that the Kenzo Esthetique wine is rated highly for its quality.
The name "Asahi" is associated with freshness and pleasantness, although it should be noted that it relies on specific taste details. It may be recognized through a unique rating by official evaluation firms and wine critics, though specific information related to the "Asahi" wine remains unknown. Furthermore, when purchasing wine, it is advisable to refer to information provided by distributors or manufacturers and explore flavors, aromas, and food pairings to ensure a favorable selection.
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Store Name: Retail Sales Specialty Store 'Okanbuy'
Location: 231-0015 2-20, Tsuichosho, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, 2nd Floor Daiwa Building
Telephone Number: 045-594-6251
Business Hours: 10:00 ~ 19:00
Closed: Irregularly
Store Name: Retail Sales Specialty Store 'Okanbuy' Shimizu Branch
Location: 150-0002 3-1-9 Shimizu, Shimizu Ward, Shimizu City, 1st Floor 3rd KK Building
Telephone Number:045-594-6251
WECHAT ID: linxas8090
LINE ID: @buy-linxas
Closed: Irregularly