Shato Paffi 2000 750ml
Shato Paffi 2000 750ml
Chateau Pavie 2000 is a red wine produced at a high-end winery in the Saint-Emilion region of Bordeaux. Saint-Emilion is a region on the right bank of Bordeaux that produces wines made primarily from Merlot grapes. Chateau Pavie is also made primarily from Merlot, blended with Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc grapes.
The characteristics of Chateau Pavie 2000 are:
Blend: Château Pavie wines are blended with other grape varieties, dominated by Merlot, a variety that performs very well in this region, providing the wines with rich fruit and soft tannins.
2000 Vintage: 2000 was considered an excellent vintage in the Bordeaux region, producing many high quality wines.
Aroma: Chateau Pavie 2000 develops a complex nose with age, offering red berry and plum fruit, spice, leather, toast and vanilla notes.
Structure and ageing: This wine has an elegant and refined structure, which lends itself to long-term ageing. Continued ageing in the bottle will enhance the wine's complexity and make it even more delicious.
Château Pavie 2000 is a stylish red wine from the St. Emilion region that is sure to appeal to lovers of fine Bordeaux wines. It is perfect for special occasions and pairing with delicious food, and will be enjoyed for many years to come.
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