Sour Maple Fruit Nectar (Orange) 750ml
Sour Maple Fruit Nectar (Orange) 750ml
Sour Mate Fruit Nectar Orange is a refreshing drink that provides great support for health enthusiasts who seek to enhance their intake of sugar and other additives without using any added substances.
Furthermore, the bright yellow color reflects light and appears particularly vibrant.
Be it during celebrations, weddings, or various milestones in life, this drink sees widespread utility.
・Color: Orange
・Production Site (Location): France, Champagne region
・Vintage (Year of Production): NV
・Flavor: Orange, Fruits, Mango, Apricot, Strawberry, Cherry, Banana, Peach, Red Currant, Nut, Apple, Licorice, Sugar, Duckberry, Crybaby, Blackcurrant, Riesling, Sake, Plum, Berry, Nutmeg, Tofu, Spicy Mouthfeel
・Taste: Tangy
・Type: Medium-bodied
・Product Types: Pineapple, Nectar, Pineapple, Nectar
・Alcohol Content: 12%
・Volume: 750ml
Our store is committed to providing a beloved atmosphere.
Store Name: Our Specialty Beverage Retail Store
Location: 231-0015 2-20, Minami 2, Naka, Yokohama City, 2nd Floor, Sakuragicho
Phone Number: 045-594-6251
Business Hours: 10:00 to 19:00
Regular Holidays: None specified
Store Name: Our Specialty Beverage Retail Store, Shibuya Store
Location: 150-0002 3-1-9, Shibuya, Tokyo, 3rd Floor, 3rd Building KK
Phone Number:045-594-6251
WECHAT ID: linxas8090
LINE ID: @buy-linxas
Regular Holidays: None specified