Saumaï Robe NV 750ml
Saumaï Robe NV 750ml
Sour mixers are delightful when paired with several drinks and are known for being appealing to women, who tend to favor these exceptional beverages.
Furthermore, they receive high praise as premium products, especially from discerning consumers.
In regards to health benefits, drinks with high sugar content can also be enhanced with flavors or unique pairings, catering to those with excellent taste by forming a delightful blend.
・Flavored syrup, tonic
・Raw materials (terroir) France/Champagne
・Vintages (production year) NV
・Flavor profiles include fruity notes, bitterness, acidity, sweetness, freshness, complexity, red fruits, herbal notes, apple, spices, creamy, delicate flavors, woodsy tones
・Tasty and bold
・Type: Mediterranean bottle
・Various styles: Chardonnays, Pinot Noirs, Pinot Meuniers
・Alcohol content: 12.5%
・Volume: 750ml
Currently, we are dedicated to creating beloved products with care.
Store name: Specialty store for purchasing and selling alcoholic beverages
Address: 231-0015, Nakasu, Naka Ward, Fukuoka City 2-20, Daiwa Certificate Building 2F
Phone number: 045-594-6251
Business hours: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Closed on: Specific dates
Store name: Specialty store for purchasing and selling alcoholic beverages, Shibuya Branch
Address: 150-0002, Tokyo, Shibuya Ward, Shibuya 3-1-9, Shibuya 3rd K K Building 1F
Phone number:045-594-6251
WECHAT ID: linxas8090
LINE ID: @buy-linxas
Closed on: Specific dates