ROYAL SALUTE Royal Salute 25 Years 700ml
ROYAL SALUTE Royal Salute 25 Years 700ml
Royal Salute 25 Year Old is a premium blended Scotch whisky produced by Seagram's. Royal Salute is a brand created to represent the popularity of the Scottish royal family and to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
Aging : This whiskey is aged in barrels for a minimum of 25 years. The flash of aging gives the whiskey a very complex flavor profile.
Color : Beautiful golden to amber shades.
Nose : Fruity and rich nose with hints of honey, pear, peach and citrus, as well as hints of vanilla and spice.
Taste : Rich and smooth, with flavors of dried fruit, citrus, sweet honey, vanilla, cinnamon and oak.
Finish : A long, warming finish with lingering spiciness and sweetness.
Royal Salute is known for its high quality and elegant flavour, making it a popular gift for special occasions. The 25-year maturation period gives the whiskey a very refined taste, which is why it is highly regarded by whiskey aficionados.
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