Opus One 2016 750ml 14.5%
Opus One 2016 750ml 14.5%
Opus One 2016 is an elegant vintage wine from the prestigious winery Opus One in Napa Valley, California. This year, the entire Napa Valley was blessed with ideal weather, resulting in very high quality grapes being harvested. Opus One 2016 is a wine made primarily from Cabernet Sauvignon, blended with Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and Malbec, and aged for 18 months in new French oak barrels.
It features rich fruity aromas of black cherry, cassis, and ripe plum, as well as floral notes of violet and lavender, and hints of cocoa and cigar box, creating a complex and fascinating aroma.
The dense, firm fruit flavor spreads in the mouth, and the slow tannins and firm acidity bring balance to the whole wine. The flavor of dark chocolate and espresso appears, and there is also a spicy accent from the influence of oak blended.
The long lingering flavors leave an impression of a harmonious aftertaste of fruit and spice. As time passes, the flavors become more mature, allowing you to enjoy the refined finish.
The 2016 Opus One is a vintage of elegance and restraint, and is expected to evolve further. This is a perfect bottle for a special dinner or as a gift.
*Persons under 20 years of age cannot purchase.
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