Hantarerain Sukarabasu 700ml
Hantarerain Sukarabasu 700ml
The "scrabass" is one of the types of livestock produced in the coastal areas of the island. Scrabass is located on the island and utilizes the unique characteristics of the coastal region to produce livestock. The initial taste is distinctively fragrant and flavorful.
From scrabass, various offerings, delicious dishes, and releases are provided, including single or limited editions. The scrabass's livestock is highly rated by connoisseurs and gourmet enthusiasts.
This is a sincere invitation to purchase.
According to the guidance of the licensing agency, a one-time verification is essential. We appreciate your collaboration. The verification will lead to the subsequent delivery of supplies.
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※ Those under 20 years of age are not permitted to make purchases.
Currently, we are dedicated to creating beloved offerings from shops.
Shop name: Specialty store for purchasing scrabass-related products
Location: 231-0015 2-20 Nishikawa Town, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City, 2nd Floor of 大和証券's Nishikawa Building
Telephone number: 045-594-6251
Operating hours: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Days off: Specifically closed
Shop name: Specialty store for purchasing scrabass-related products at Sugita Store
Location: 150-0002 3-1-9 Sugita, Kanagawa Prefecture, 1st Floor of the third K.K. building
Telephone number:045-594-6251
WECHAT ID: linxas8090
LINE ID: @buy-linxas
Days off: Specifically closed