Château Palmer 2000 750ml
Château Palmer 2000 750ml
Shatori-PALM 2000 is a high-quality wine made in the premium wine region of France, particularly in the Bordeaux area. Shatori-PALM is produced using grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Cabernet Franc, and is widely recognized for its rich flavors. The unique traits of this wine are complemented by elegant architecture and historical values that are well appreciated.
The following are the characteristics of Shatori-PALM 2000:
Blend: The wine's blend consists of Cabernets, Merlots, Cabernet Francs, and various other varietals, ensuring a complex bouquet. Additionally, it possesses a harmonious balance that enhances drinkability.
Vintage: The year 2000 is a remarkable vintage with exceptional quality wines being produced, particularly from the Bordeaux region. Shatori-PALM 2000 also enjoyed high ratings for its unique characteristics.
Complex aroma: This wine presents aromas of ripe berries, rich plums, berries such as raspberry, spice, and a variety of other complex notes.
Notable composition: Shatori-PALM 2000 embodies a blend that captures the essence of the tannins, along with the rich flavors derived from the extended maturation process.
Presence of long-term maturity: This wine is suitable for long-term aging, allowing it to develop excellent complexity and enhance the richness of flavors over several years.
Shatori-PALM 2000 represents significant value to wine lovers and collectors, making it a superb choice for enthusiasts and special occasions. It is particularly renowned for its exquisite quality and high ratings.
We warmly welcome all customers.
Store name: Exclusive Retail Shop for Shatori Wine
Address: 231-0015 2-20 Daiwa Co., Chuo-ku, Yokohama City, 2F
Phone number: 045-594-6251
Business hours: 10:00 to 19:00
Closed: By appointment only
Store name: Exclusive Retail Shop for Shatori Wine, Shibuya Store
Address: 150-0002 3-1-9 Shibuya, Tokyo, Sibuya 3-1-9 Shibuya 3KK
Phone number:045-594-6251
WECHAT ID:linxas8090
LINE ID:@buy-linxas
Closed: By appointment only