Almond Robe 750ml
Almond Robe 750ml
"Armand de Brignac Brut Rosé" is a premium champagne (sparkling wine) associated with the famous champagne brand Armand de Brignac. This champagne is produced in the Champagne region of France and is known for its high quality and luxurious image.
"Brut Rosé" is a category of sparkling wine, generally referring to dry to medium-dry wines. As the name Rosé suggests, this wine has a pink color and is usually made from red grapes. Brut Rosé has a fruity yet refreshing and sharp taste, making it suitable for pairing with a variety of dishes.
Armand de Brignac products are known for their luxury and sophisticated design, making them popular with many champagne lovers and collectors.
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Store name: Liquor purchase and sales specialty store Linksus Shibuya store
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Telephone: 045-594-6251
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