Sardo Chenin Blanc 2021 750ml 13.5%
Sardo Chenin Blanc 2021 750ml 13.5%
This white wine is made from carefully selected grapes harvested from various fields in California and fermented in stainless steel tanks and some barrels, fusing the vividness and complexity of the fruit. It is a wine that values a sustainable approach, with Chenin Blanc as the main ingredient and a skillful blend of Muscat and Verdelho. It is characterized by its environmentally friendly production methods, which have earned it Napa Green Winery certification.
The fruity aroma of pineapple and white peach with a hint of brown spice gives it a delicate and bold feel.
It has a refreshing and dense body, with a rich flavor of pineapple and honeyed apple. The soft mouthfeel and refreshing acidity are in harmony, and the long-lasting taste is appealing.
Remaining rhyme
The fruit and acidity remain in balance, providing a pleasant finish.
Food Pairing
It pairs particularly well with Asian dishes like sweet and sour pork, pad thai, and soft cheeses (Brie, mozzarella, goat cheese).
Grape variety
90% Chenin Blanc, 7% Muscat, 3% Verdelho.
Serving temperature
Chill in the refrigerator for 2 to 2.5 hours before serving.
This white wine has an environmentally conscious background and offers a fruity, delicate flavor that is unique to California.
*Persons under 20 years of age cannot purchase. We are Linksus, an online liquor retailer! We strive to create a store that is loved today. 2F Daiwa Securities Yokohama Building, 2-20 Onoe-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0015 Business hours: 10:00-19:00 Store name: Liquor purchase and sales specialty store Linksus Shibuya store Business hours: 10:00-19:00 |