Kenzō Estate Asatsuyu 2022 750ml
Kenzō Estate Asatsuyu 2022 750ml
Those who are under 20 years old are not able to purchase.
The 'Asahi' product of Kenzai Esutoreto is made by the Kanzo Esutoreto brand. While there is limited information regarding the detailed flavor, it is known that Kenzai Esutoreto is valued highly for its quality.
Even from the name 'Asahi', one might think of the refreshing sensation or the pleasant aroma, but it depends on the specific flavor that Kenzai is particular about. It is not known whether detailed information regarding the specific 'Asahi' Kenzai can be obtained through official reviews by evaluation experts or other resources. Furthermore, when considering purchasing Kenzai, it is advisable to refer to the information offered by suppliers or manufacturers, and to investigate aspects such as flavor, aroma, and compatibility with cuisine.
At this time, it is preferable to ensure a genuine purchasing experience.
Based on the instructions from the service facility, a one-time verification is necessary. We appreciate your cooperation. Verification will be completed in the following steps, and we look forward to your continuous support.
The step is as follows.
Those who are under 20 years old are not able to purchase.
We are dedicated to the creation of beloved brand products.
Store Name: Kenzai Aisatsu Specialty Store in Ikebukuro
Location: 231-0015 2-20 Naka-cho, Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 2F Ikebukuro Bill
Phone Number: 045-594-6251
Business Hours: 10:00 - 19:00
Regular Holidays: Every Tuesday
Store Name: Kenzai Aisatsu Specialty Store in Shimo-Kitazawa
Location: 150-0002 3-1-9 Shimo-Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 3F Shimo-Kitazawa Daisan KK Building
Phone Number:045-594-6251
WECHAT ID: linxas8090
LINE ID: @buy-linxas
Regular Holidays: Every Tuesday